massMobile is a client-server system for mass audience participation in live musical performances using existing wireless network infrastructure, audience members’ own mobile computing devices (such as smartphones), and a cloud-based server to enable rapid prototyping, iterative design, and plug-and-play deployment of participatory systems under constraints common to live events and venues.
I have used massMobile in a number of musical works, including Sketching, TeamWork, and Saxophone Etudes, and my lab has written several publications about the system.
massMobile is now available to use in your own artistic works. To get started, download the software toolkit and deployment guide below, and please contact me with any questions or to let me know how you are using massMobile in your work.
Software Toolkit, release date April 23, 2014
Deployment Guide, release date April 23, 2014
massMobile was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation as part of a larger research project on musical improvisation in performance and education (NSF CreativeIT #0855758).