#Abax Hit Counter v1.0, Copyright 2001 By Nathan Dickman, visit http://www.NathanDickman.com/
#This script may be freely distributed providing all copyright headers are kept intact
//Abax Hit Counter configuration//
$datafile="/home/jfreeman/freeman-web/stats/Sourcedownloads.dat"; //filename for counter datafile
$counterstyle = "invisible"; //enter text for text,image for images, or invisible for none
$textcountlength = 4; //length of counter in digits if using text option
$font = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; //font face style if using text counter
$fontsize = "2"; //font size if using text counter
$fontcolour = "#999999"; //font colour use html colour codes
$imagedirectory = "images/"; //directory or http location to images NOTE: use trailing slash
$imagesext = ".gif"; //file extension for images e.g. .gif .jpg .png
$initialvalue = 1;
if (!file_exists($datafile)) {
$file = fopen($datafile,"w+");
fwrite ($file,$initialvalue);
fclose ($file);
else {
$file = fopen($datafile,"r+");
$hitcount = fread($file,filesize($datafile));
fclose ($file);
$file = fopen($datafile,"w+");
fwrite ($file,$hitcount);
if ($counterstyle != "invisible") {
if ($counterstyle == "text") {
echo ""
else {
$longstr = strlen($hitcount);
for ($x=0; $x < $longstr; $x++) {
$image = substr($hitcount,$x,1);
echo "
header("Location: nag-source.tgz");
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=nag-source.tgz");