“Composing’s one thing, performing’s another, listening’s a third. What can they have to do with each other?” —John Cage
Jason Freeman is a Professor of Music at Georgia Tech. His artistic practice and scholarly research focus on using technology to engage diverse audiences in collaborative, experimental, and accessible musical experiences. He also develops educational interventions in K-12, university, and MOOC environments that broaden and increase engagement in STEM disciplines through authentic integrations of music and computing. His music has been performed at Carnegie Hall, exhibited at ACM SIGGRAPH, published by Universal Edition, broadcast on public radio’s Performance Today, and commissioned through support from the National Endowment for the Arts. Freeman’s wide-ranging work has attracted support from sources such as the National Science Foundation, Google, and Turbulence. He has published his research in leading conferences and journals such as Computer Music Journal, Organised Sound, NIME, and ACM SIGCSE. Freeman received his B.A. in music from Yale University and his M.A. and D.M.A. in composition from Columbia University.
To learn more about me and my work:
• Visit my Google Scholar profile page for an up-to-date list of scholarly publications.
• Visit the music section of this site for information on my artistic works (including scores and audio / video recordings for most works).
• Write code and make music with EarSketch, a free web-based learning platform that I’ve been working on since 2011 and that now has over 150,000 users.
• Try out some of my web-based artistic works that are still available online: Grow Old, Piano Etudes, and Graph Theory.
• Visit the places at Georgia Tech where I’m most involved: the College of Design, the School of Music, the Center for Music Technology, the Office of the Arts, the Center for Education Integrating Science, Computing, and Mathematics, and the GVU Center.
• Take my free online course on Coursera, Survey of Music Technology.
• Watch this TedXGeorgiaTech talk (2012) and read this opinion piece I wrote for the New York Times (2010) that provide a conceptual overview of my ideas and work.
To contact me:
I welcome inquiries about the BS, MS, and PhD programs in music technology at Georgia Tech, artistic and research partnerships and collaborations, performances and exhibitions of my work, and pretty much anything else. The best way to reach me is through this contact form.